Genezzo runs on any system which runs
Perl version 5.8 or greater.
Perl runs on
many platforms, and it is usually part of the default installation on most
operating systems, including Linux, FreeBSD, Mac OS X 10.3+, Sun
Solaris, IBM AIX, etc. The major exception is Microsoft Windows.
Additional instructions for installing Perl on Windows are listed
General information about obtaining Perl is available at
Get Perl.
In addition, Genezzo requires the
parser module.
Instructions for Perl Users
Genezzo is a standard Perl
available on CPAN. If Perl is
properly configured on your machine you can use the
interactive cpan command line tool to
"install Genezzo". This tool will resolve all packaging
dependencies and automatically install
as well.
Instructions for Unix Users
If you are unable or unwilling to use the cpan tool,
you can manually install
using the download links on these pages. The
packages are distributed as compressed tarballs. More detailed
instructions are available
here (they may
exist on your system as man pages under "man perlmodinstall"). After you uncompress and unpack the tarballs, go into the new Parse-RecDescent directory and type:
- perl Makefile.PL
- make test
If the test succeeds, type make install (while you are still in the new directory) to install the package. After installing Parse-RecDescent, follow a similar procedure for Genezzo. Note: installing these packages may require super-user privileges.
Instructions for Windows Users
Perl is available for Windows under the
Cygwin or
distributions. Cygwin is a large package which contains a number of standard Linux tools in addition to Perl, while the ActiveState distribution is only a Perl toolset. If you install Cygwin, you should be able to follow
instructions for Unix users afterward. More detailed
instructions for both Cygwin and ActiveState module installation are
The basic instructions for ActiveState are as follows:
Download and install a copy of Perl for Windows. Registration is
optional and can be skipped. I use the MSI installation but I don't
think it makes a difference for only one machine. I usually override
the default installation folder location of C:\perl and put it in
c:\program files\perl with all the other programs.
- Download the additional
module from CPAN. Extract the components from the compressed TAR
file. I used WinZip to extract the compressed tar files, which can be
downloaded here.
Bring up a command line window (also called the DOS
window) by clicking in Start/Run and typing in cmd. Change directory
to your Parse-RecDescent folder, and build the Makefile by typing
You'll need the nmake utility, available at or dmake, available on CPAN at
You might need to copy this utility into your Perl Bin folder. For me this was C:\program files\Perl\bin.
Build Parse-RecDescent by typing nmake in the Parse-RecDescent folder. Ignore the error about the missing errors file. Install the Parse module by typing nmake install.
Download the latest version of
Extract the Genezzo components from the Genezzo compressed TAR file --
be sure to extract all files. Create the Makefile by typing perl Build Genezzo by typing nmake.
Test your new build of
Genezzo by typing nmake test
(this is the fun part, watching Genezzo
run through its extensive self-test sequence). If you experience any
errors here please report them to the Genezzo team via email. This
test takes between 2 to 5 minutes depending on the speed of your
PC. Now install Genezzo by typing nmake install.